Location: Woodend, Victoria, Australia

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Dolphin Swim @ the Pet Porpoise Pool

Wow - what an experience.

Bill (my brother) arranged for Justine and I to have a very special Dolphin Swim at the Pet Porpoise Pool, Coffs Harbour on Friday 19 May 06. What a fabulous place.

Here's some photos of our swim. Will write a bit about it over the next couple of weeks.

Rebel (from Pet Porpoise Pool) giving Russell & Justine the pre-swim brief.

Catching a ride over to the stage...

...Dolphin Style! (Justine on her way to the stage)

Russell & Justine with Bucky and Zippy

Bucky & Zippy loved their undersides patted

Justine gets a kiss from both the boys!

Very Clever Dolphins!

On Show!

Two dolpins are better than one for a spin around the pool!

Rusell parking Bucky and Zippy at the stage after his spin around the pool

...and then there's always the hydrofoil option

A huge thanks to Bill for arranging this with the Pet Porpoise Pool and to Rebel who looked after us during the swim.

If you get a chance check out the Pet Porpoise Pool - it such a great place.


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